Average Reviews:

(More customer reviews)I have cats that are very picky about their food & treats - I am too! They will not eat the usual cat treats from the grocery stores & pet stores. Besides, most of those aren't even made with anything that wasn't manufactured in beakers & vials in a lab to 'taste' like chicken. This stuff really IS chicken & my cats LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! They will beg for it, yum it up & want more more more more. Of course, they're not supposed to eat too much of it, it is jerky & will absorb liquid in the stomach & swell.
I highly recommend this for cat lovers looking for a much healthier treat & a way to add in some REAL food into their cats diets. After all, if we're eating real food, why should our furry family members eat wheat gluten (horrid stuff) blended with highly processed meat by-product flavored with chemicals?? For the price available here on amazon, it's a deal!!
Click Here to see more reviews about: Catswell Vitality Chicken Jerky Cat Treats 2oz
Is your cats coat looking a little lackluster? Could your kitty use a daily dose of vitamins? Try VITALITY treats with flaxseed and vitamins for healthy eyes, skin and coat.
Click here for more information about Catswell Vitality Chicken Jerky Cat Treats 2oz
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